Great news: as promised in the last Skyway Wire, our new and improved website is live! If you’re as excited to see it as I am to share it – check out the tour. The highlights include 1) all podcast episodes are now easy to find in one place, 2) it’s much easier to find your way around and 3) it’s a more intuitive and fluid design. I could go on…be sure to check it out.
In more news: Since the last Skyway Wire – our country elected a new President. Per usual, changes will likely be afoot in lots of areas in and around GovCon. Also per usual, we’ll stay on top of the transition with resources like This Week In Government Contracting (TWIGC), the weekly Contracting Officer Podcast, our monthly blogs, and other training as needed.
In unsurprising news: we are still under a Continuing Resolution. Let’s see if a lame duck Congress (one between election and inauguration) can get the 2025 passed before, well, actual calendar 2025. Just another day in #GovCon.
New Contracting Officer Podcast episodes from last month:
482: Who is Responsible For Contract Quality?
484: Brand Name or Equal (with Steve Lucianetti)
483: FFP EPA (as in Firm Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment)
485: GovCon Vocab Vol IV (Proposal vs Tender)
Heads up: these links now go to the Skyway website. Click on the big red “login” in the upper right hand corner of the site to log in. Once you log in, you’ll be able to listen directly on the pages linked below. Heads up #2: see the website update video here. You can still get these episodes on your podcast app that’s already on your phone. Go here to subscribe through the native podcast app (i.e. Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, etc).
Thank you this month goes to Raschelle Swindle for her feedback on our podcast. I appreciated Raschelle explaining how she integrates our podcast into her training program. It’s great to know how our clients use them to #DoGovConWell.
New Contracting Officer Podcast Playlists for you (FYI: these playlists are included in your subscription):
This month, Cesar Lopez added the Contingency Contracting Playlist and the IDIQ Fair Opportunity Playlist. If there is a playlist you are craving, let us know at [email protected]. Also, by the next Skyway Wire, you’ll see the list of now dozens of playlists integrated on our the newly upgraded website.
Playlist backstory: The playlists make it easier to use our library our nearly 500 episodes by organizing them into topic areas. These are separate, stand-alone podcast feeds that include only the episodes in a particular area (solicitations, small business, proposals, etc). You can subscribe/unsubscribe to each playlist as you need to learn (or brush up) on the area. We continue to add new playlists each month.
As always, thank you for being a Skyway client. Without clients, I’m just a weirdo writing to no one on this Sunday afternoon.
Final note: If you know anyone who would/should/could benefit from our podcast, training, and/or consulting, please send them to We’d love to help them too.