462 – Place of Performance Under Service Contracts (w/Shelley Hall)

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The government awards contracts for lots of different services. One of the many variables in awarding and MANAGING these service contracts is clearly understanding where the work will be performed. In FAR speak – that’s the “place of performance”. That sounds simple enough…

However, service contract get more complicated when 1) some of the services are not performed on site (or are performed in a number of different locations) and 2) some of the services are for non-professional services…which means the employees’ minimum pay and fringe rates may be specifically set by a Wage Determination based on their location (we cover Wage Determination in episode 459 btw).

In this episode, Kevin is joined by Shelley Hall, one of our former Contracting Officers on the Skyway team. Shelley has decades of experience managing services contracts as a contracting officer. Kevin and Shelley work through how the location of the contractor’s employees can make this simple concept of “place of performance” a bit less simple.