499 – Working with the FAR we have… (with Shelley Hall)

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The FAR is foundation of nearly every dollar the government spends. Sure, there are plenty of actions (and a few agencies) that are not subject to the FAR. But in the big picture GovCon, the government spends the vast majority of our GovCon tax payers through the FAR.

That’s why we have FARTime in every episode of our podcast. We don’t believe in creating training that is based on opinion…or at least not opinion alone. We include a FAR reference in every episode because that’s how we show that what we are covering is based in truth, reality, and a regulation that you can actually review yourself. By using the FAR as our touchstone, we maintain our focus on our mission of bringing context to both sides of GovCon so we all can #DoGovConWell.

The FAR just had its 40th birthday. In this episode, Shelley Hall from our Skyway team joins Kevin to dig into some nuances of the FAR to assess what’s working, what’s not working, and most importantly, what we can do about it. As we come up on 500 episodes, it was time to dig into the plumbing of the FAR to see what we could improve based on what we learned over the last 10+ years of podcasting.