Contracting Officer Podcast 2.0 Episodes

As former Federal Contracting Officers who have also walked in industry’s shoes, Kevin and Paul share their expertise and perspectives in support of the podcast’s mission: Make government contracting better, one contract at a time.
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492 – What are Liquidated Damages?

492 – What are Liquidated Damages?

Liquidated damages are a pre-set amount that one party agrees to pay another in the event of a breach of some element of a contract. Easy. Sort of. In GovCon, liquidated damages can be a form of...

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489 – What “IS” a Good Faith Effort?

489 – What “IS” a Good Faith Effort?

The concept of “Good Faith Effort” came up in episode 481 (What goes in a Subcontracting Plan?). The context of “Good Faith Effort” in that episode was around the prime contractor being required to...

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488 – Notification of Changes

488 – Notification of Changes

In the last episode, we outlined the rules about when there is a contract change – and how those change can lead to Requests for Equitable Adjustment (REAs). In this episode, we go a bit further...

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486 – Doing GovCon Market Research

486 – Doing GovCon Market Research

There is a lot of public information available on what goods and services federal agencies buy, as well as how they buy them and from whom. It is PUBLIC information since, well, it’s public money....

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480 – What are BOS Contracts?

480 – What are BOS Contracts?

The government contracts out a lot of services. We’ve covered that topic in many episodes. Sometimes those contracts are for specific services for one government customer. Other times these...

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479 – What is a Cardinal Change?

479 – What is a Cardinal Change?

Change happens. Even in, and especially in, government contracts. Life happens….circumstances change…requirements change. Change happens.However, not all changes are equal. In episode 478, we talked...

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478 – Colors of Contract Changes

478 – Colors of Contract Changes

Many (ok, most?) contracts do not go exactly as planned. The contracting officer typically awards contracts with the intent of not having to make unplanned changes to the contract. Likewise, the...

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