Contracting Officer Podcast 2.0 Episodes

As former Federal Contracting Officers who have also walked in industry’s shoes, Kevin and Paul share their expertise and perspectives in support of the podcast’s mission: Make government contracting better, one contract at a time.
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480 – What are BOS Contracts?

480 – What are BOS Contracts?

The government contracts out a lot of services. We’ve covered that topic in many episodes. Sometimes those contracts are for specific services for one government customer. Other times these...

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479 – What is a Cardinal Change?

479 – What is a Cardinal Change?

Change happens. Even in, and especially in, government contracts. Life happens….circumstances change…requirements change. Change happens.However, not all changes are equal. In episode 478, we talked...

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478 – Colors of Contract Changes

478 – Colors of Contract Changes

Many (ok, most?) contracts do not go exactly as planned. The contracting officer typically awards contracts with the intent of not having to make unplanned changes to the contract. Likewise, the...

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476 – What is a Reverse Auction?

476 – What is a Reverse Auction?

Price is a factor in every purchase. The seller wants the highest price and the buyer wants the lowest price. The final price will fall between those two extremes. One less common approach to...

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475 – What is Section H?

475 – What is Section H?

In GovCon, many contracts are similar. To match that similarity, many contract rules, processes and clauses are designed to fit standard situations. But what about when those rules, processes and...

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474 – Late Proposals

474 – Late Proposals

Each request for proposals has a due date. The government posts a request for bids, quotes, etc and expects (i.e. requires) interested parties to reply by that date. Simple enough. In GovCon, the...

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473 – Writing Requirements (w/Cesar Lopez)

473 – Writing Requirements (w/Cesar Lopez)

The point of a government contract is not to award a contract. The point of a government contract is to meet a need for a government customer. The official term for that “need” is the “requirement”....

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471 – What is an IGCE?

471 – What is an IGCE?

The government buys a lot of different things. Price is a key factor in every purchase of those things. Sometimes the price of a product or service is easy to figure out, like when it’s a published...

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469 – What are Key Personnel?

469 – What are Key Personnel?

Government acquisition teams sometimes (or often?) uses Key Personnel as an evaluation factor in competing and awarding contracts. Like the key stone at the top of an arch, the Key Personnel can...

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