FY 2025 is well underway (with a now typical Continuing Resolution until December). What’s your over-under on Congress getting the budget passed before March? No worries, we can’t control the CRs. We here at Skyway are focused on what we can control – which is serving our clients as we all navigate GovCon. Here are some updates for this month.
New Contracting Officer Podcast episodes from last month: These episodes are only available to our Skyway clients (if you’re getting this Skyway Wire, you’re a client J).
– 478: Colors of Contract Changes (Green, Yellow and Red light contract changes)
– 479: What is a Cardinal Change? (that’s a type of “Red Light” change – see episode 479)
– 480: What are BOS Contracts? (Shelley Hall joins Paul to outline Base Operations Support (BOS) Contracts)
– 481: What goes in a Subcontracting Plan? (this is a companion episode to ep 339, Small Business Subcontracting Plans)
NOTE: To access these podcasts either 1) log in to Skyway Central© and click here, or 2) Follow the 3-step process here to subscribe through the native podcast app (i.e. Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, etc).
Thank you: Thank you this month to Steven Crosbie for your feedback. I appreciate Steven telling us how he used these recent episodes. It’s great to know how our clients specifically use our podcasts to #DoGovConWell.
New Contracting Officer Podcast Playlists: We are making it easier to access to our podcast playlists that bucket our nearly 500 episodes into topic areas. These are separate, stand-alone podcast feeds that include only the episodes in a particular area (solicitations, small business, proposals, etc). You can subscribe/unsubscribe to each playlist as you need to learn (or brush up) on the area. We continue to add new playlists each month. This month, Cesar Lopez added the Mission Ready – Contracting Basics I Playlist. This 9-episode playlist is for those who are new to GovCon and are looking for a set of episodes to get up to speed on the basics such as contract types, the 3 Deciders, the Market Research Zone, acquisition plans and more. If there is a playlist you are craving, let us know at [email protected].
What’s new?: We continue to update the Skyway websites (skywayacq.com and contractingofficerpodcast.com). You may continue to notice some hiccups as we do “surgery” on the back end of the websites. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any issues. The great news is that the transition to the new, more integrated, websites will be done by the next Skyway Wire. I look forward to sharing the key upgrades with you then (spoiler alert: the sites will be cleaner, faster, and re-designed to make it easier to navigate our growing resources).
As always, thank you for being a Skyway client. Without Skyway clients, we are not able to #DoGovConWell.