Functional GovCon Fitness
Knowledge, Context and Confidence
You have Functional GovCon Fitness© (FGF) when you have enough knowledge, context and confidence to navigate the complexity of any situation in government contracting quickly and effectively. The goal of having Functional GovCon Fitness is to maintain strong government contracting capabilities for you and your organization that ensure our country’s ability to execute its missions through the application of government contractors.
To meet this goal, FGF training is broad enough to cover many of the complexities of government contracting, but focused enough that you can learn and apply it quickly. FGF training enhances your ability to thrive in everyday GovCon by integrating both rule and regulation with infusing examples, simulations, and application of those rules.
Unlike traditional training that is so broad that it lacks context, FGF emphasizes compound movements that engage multiple elements of GovCon simultaneously. Our training and consulting services cover a wide variety of areas on GovCon. This diversity of our training topics, when combined with our consulting and mentoring, ensure you are building your Functional GovCon Fitness.

Here are some key aspects of our training and resources:
Examples and stories
Functional GovCon Fitness replicates actions you perform in your daily GovCon role. This helps improve your ability to perform everyday tasks with ease.
Diverse topics
Episodes cover a variety of topics across GovCon, including topics in both the Acquisition Time Zones® and Execution Time Zones®.
Real-World Abilities
Functional GovCon Fitness focuses on both knowledge AND practical application. This builds your skills to understand and ability to address any GovCon situation.
Improved Foundation
Functional GovCon Fitness routines cover both high-level topics as well as the core elements that are the blocking and tackling of GovCon. We are strongest when we train with both.
Mis-step Prevention
FGF training strengthens our perspective, insight, and ability to connect the dots across GovCon so we are more likely to see mis-steps before we make them… and more likely to see opportunities before others take them.