What Does ROI Mean to You?

What do you think when you hear ROI?  Return on Investment is a financial term that measures the gain or loss on an investment relative to the amount of money invested. The term originated in the accounting world but is commonly used across most industries today. A...

Combat Contracting- The Final Deployment

I can hardly believe it has been ten years since my combat service in Fallujah, Iraq.  I was working at the Mujahedin-E Khalq Compound in support of over 27,000 Coalition forces operating within Al Anbar Province. I wrote this article August 18th, 2018, however...

Price Fair and Reasonableness

Besides achieving a low price in your pricing strategy, you also want to ensure your price is fair and reasonable.  If the price is too low, it may be considered unreasonable or unrealistic.  If your price is too high, you may appear to lack understanding of the...